A local councillor is a person who has been elected to the council. Their job is to help make decisions on behalf of everyone who lives within a certain area or ‘ward’.
Your MP is a representative who has been elected to parliament to make decisions and laws on behalf of everyone who lives within an area or ‘constituency’.
In some parts of the country you are also represented by Assembly Members, like MSPs (Scotland), Members of the Senedd (Welsh Parliament) or London Assembly Members.
All of them are there to help you, their constituents.
A website called WriteToThem makes it really easy.
Visit WriteToThem now.
You don’t need to know anything about your representatives – not even their names! All you need to know is your own postcode.
You can send a message through the site, and the response will come to your email.
Some reasons you might contact a representative include:
Each type of representative works in different areas, so you’ll need to contact a different one depending on what your issue is.
If you visit WriteToThem.com, you’ll see a short description of the areas each representative works in, when you get to the page where you pick which one to write to.
It is usually your local councillor who deals with practical housing matters. while MPs and MSPs are more concerned with changing the law (although they can step in to help their constituents if needed).
If you’d like more detail, you can see this Help page on WriteToThem.
Tools you can use
Tools you can use
Tools you can use
Tools you can use