Telling your landlord that you are setting up a residents’ group

A letter you can copy

What to do:

  • Copy and paste the text below into an email or document.
  • Replace any text [in brackets] with your own information
  • Include details {in curly brackets} if they are relevant, or remove them if they are not.
  • Send the email to your landlord, or print out the document and send it by post.
  • If you are sending by post, keep a copy for yourself and a record of the date that the message was sent.

[Your address]
[Today’s date]

Dear [your landlord’s name],

I am a tenant of [name of your block or building] and I am writing to inform you of the establishment of [Name of Group], a new [tenants’ group] which represents residents of [name of your block/estate/other blocks/community/neighbourhood].

We hope that this is a welcome move towards providing you with a single point of contact over residents’ concerns, and fostering a spirit of two way communication that will be beneficial to both sides.

{We meet on [days and time] and you would be very welcome to attend or to send a representative to our next meeting, which is on [date and time] at [location].}

Meanwhile, please note our contact email address: [email address].

{Postal correspondence may be sent to [name], who [is acting/has been elected] as Secretary at [postal address].}

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions about [name of group], and we look forward to receiving your acknowledgement of this message.

Yours sincerely,

[name of secretary]
On behalf of [name of the new group]