
Podcast, Story

Daniela’s story

Daniela is a local authority tenant in South London. She spent 20 years living in her family home in a tower block in South London before was moved out by the landlord, Southwark Council in 2017, due to fire and structural safety issues. She and her young daughter were then moved to another block in the borough, which also has significant disrepair problems.


Making a complaint about conditions in your flat or block (including condensation, mould, damp)

Use this letter to notify your landlord that they have duties to keep your flat free of damp, mould and condensation.
Image by Craig Whitehead - a man wipes condensation from a window Image by Craig Whitehead - a man wipes condensation from a window


There is condensation in my flat

Condensation is a common problem in tower blocks, and it can add to issues with mould or damp.