Got problems?
Tools you can use
Taking action
Directory of Residents’ Action Groups
Discover residents' action groups, and what they have achieved. Add your own action group to our directory.
Tools you can use
Contacting your landlord
Tips and letter templates to help you communicate with your landlord when there's something wrong, or you want to find out more.
Tools you can use
Contacting your local councillor or MP
Your elected representatives, like MPs and Councillors, can help you with your housing issues. Here's information on how to get in touch.
Tools you can use
Starting or joining a Residents’ Association or an Action Group
Joining together with other residents in your block or community can make you much more powerful.
Tenant action – tackling disrepair
Annie Barrett, a tenant of Marsh Drive estate in the London Borough of Barnet joined forces with her neighbours to tackle disrepair in their blocks. We interviewed Annie to find out what action she and her community took.