Got problems?
Tools you can use
Making complaints
Tools you can use
Contacting the Housing Ombudsman or SPSO
Find out what the Housing Ombudsman is, and how they can help when you have a dispute with your landlord.
Tools you can use
Contacting your landlord
Tips and letter templates to help you communicate with your landlord when there's something wrong, or you want to find out more.
Following up when you haven’t had a reply
If you don't receive a response to your first letter it's time to follow up.
I’m disabled and worried about fire escapes in my tower block
Fire safety is a natural concern for people living in tower blocks, and all the more so if you have restricted mobility. What are your rights?
Making a complaint about poor repairs
A letter you can use to complain to your landlord about poor or ineffective repairs.
Tools you can use
Making a formal complaint
If you have made a request to your landlord and you're not getting results, then what can you do next to get things fixed?
Telling your landlord about structural issues that may indicate a fire risk (cracks in the walls, leaking windows, etc)
If you have spotted signs of breached compartmentation in your flat, like cracks, leaking windows or broken cladding, use this letter to notify your landlord.